Propuestas de capacitación docente en el portal

Las propuestas de capacitación que ofrece el portal permiten al docente actualizar sus conocimientos, incorporar nuevas tendencias de enseñanza y de aprendizaje, compartir experiencias y fundamentalmente la incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en la educación.

La modalidad de los cursos puede ser asistida (cursos moderados)  o autoasistida.

Todos los cursos son gratuitos y se realizan a distancia.

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1 comentario en «Propuestas de capacitación docente en el portal»

  1. Jokah,I suspect the two would coltrraee strongly with one another. VCU’s Professor McDaniel used science and math NAEP scores to construct his state IQ estimates. Previously, I’d used math and reading. (though our results coltrraee at .96, so we’re looking at the very margins), and test’s like Raven’s matrices don’t rely on vocabulary at all and yet are solid. So the hypothetical MATHSUM would probably be preferrable, but not in a significant way.Steve,Sure. I’m working on doing so now.Re: perceptions of intelligence by state, it seems to run as strongly against people with southern drawels. Is it as simple as the rapidity of words flowing out of someone’s mouth? New Yorkers talk quickly. The GSS is limiting in that in that it only reports location by nine geographic regions rather than by state, but I’ll give it a look as well.Femi,I suspect it’s at least .7, and probably somewhere in the .8-.9 range. I agree that for wordsum scores, relative to IQ scores, the remaining slack is probably more ‘nurture’ than it is ‘nature’, though.Anon,I’m not finding the variable. Is it slightly different than what you left in your comment? I tried variations LIKESUM, ALIKSUM, ALKESUM but nothing there, either.

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